Excessive Alert Noise: Cause, Effect, and Solution
With an exponential growth in the IT sector over the last few years, traditional operational tools and process isn’t enough to stay ahead of the market. Problems/anomalies are treated as ‘events’. Each of these events triggers an alert in the system leading to separate incidents that require individual resolution. With an increase in data, hybridization, operational tools, countless metrics, there has been a corresponding increase in alert volume. This causes inundation of high volume and variety of log data, usually with multiple false and redundant alerts.
About 40% of IT organizations see over a million event alerts a day, with 11% receiving over 10 million alerts a day.
Most IT teams today operate in disparate silos, often unaware of the assets they have, their utilization or inter-dependence thereby compounding the problem.
Why is there an excess of alert noise?
Some of the common reasons for an increasing volume of alert noise are:
- Lack of stack awareness
- Static thresholds
- Alert Storms
Lack of stack awareness
Traditional legacy systems process this differently using approaches that solely rely on signature/footprint matching. This does not allow for Machine Learning capabilities to perform impact analysis and correlation of alerts/events from multiple stack elements.
Static thresholds
Static thresholds are unable to take into account the dynamic nature of IT workloads. This creates alerts at pre-established levels, that no longer works for a majority of the workloads leading to an excessive number of alerts. Being unable to identify and create contextual awareness of where to disabled alerts and where to increase alert capacity proves to be a barrier.
Read more at https://bit.ly/2NSe4uh
Originally Published by CloudFabrix Software Inc